Its about Walking in Life's journey through out, so instantly would like to add up materials and matters concern in everyday life.....
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Meri Mumbai Hurts !
Its seems that all our Security groups(NSG, Marine,Army & Police Commandos)were not prepared for this kind of attack but still fighting with full strength to finish the search operations as soon as possible,menawhile Terrorists are using AK-57,advanced model,gernands,magazine's & dry fruits at large quantity, seems to be well prepared to fight for a long duration.They have come in groups of 20-25 nos. through sea route.They sealed Hotel Taj,Trident & Oberoi Hotel & Nariman House taking the death toll to 101(7 foriegn nationals,ATS Chief Hemant Karkare,ACP Ashok Kamte,Mumbai and Encounter Specialist,Vilas Salaskar & many others)plus 288 injured till the blog was written last.
Listening to all the live videos & news channels related to Mumbai under attack, it seems LET terrorist taking up revenge....bringing up the commerical hub to a stand still,Champions League postponed,England tour postponed,Our Tourism affected and many more affected areas.
Mumbaikars have shown thier fight against terrorism forcibly with full force.We are all behind you to support & clean off the terror scam at the earliest.
Salutation to all martyr people who have laid down thier life in line of duty.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Healthy Prospect !
Working towards a healthy fit body mechanism........Check out.
Support needed from all friends for the good deed to carry on. HELP !
Term-End Results !
I am talking about my son Jason,he used to ask gifts all places visited if its Mall or Book Store or Gift Shop, we informed him to wait till results then delivery of gifts if scored well in term end exams.
His class teacher has called upon all parents compulsory for Open Day function.
Finally when we got the test paper first, lots of issues which mother & son was sorting it out, mean while i spend valuable time discussing with class teacher about his activities & progress in school.
Then came the "Report Card", and wow Jason scored 82% as excepted little more than 85% seeing to his study preparation done by wife. Mathematics marks were awesome as 98/100.
Now, its time to get his things on place as he scored better......
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A topic to be cherished upon and discuss for the betterment. My Views shared....
The first years of baby are magical, filled with promise and potential. There will be first steps, first teeth and first tears. Amid the excitement will be twinges of anxiety. In fact, by the time your child is crawling, your house will resemble one giant childproof playground. Of course, it's impossible to be completely prepared for everything your baby will experience. Just remember - These experiences are opportunities for you to praise, encourage, teach and model. This is your time to create a bond with your child that will outlast rebellion and separation.
Discovery Years ( 5 - 9 yrs) :The baby fat is gone, and so is your completely dependent child.An independent, more assertive spirit is awakening. Preferences in food, clothing and entertainment are declared. Personality traits and quirks are more defined. School is in center stage.
Tween Years ( 10 -14 yrs) : Welcome to the Tweens: a generation of fashion-conscious, fad-loving, filled-with-attitude youth. You thought angst was a teenage phenomenon. The more involvement you have in your child's life, the easier your communication will be. And remember communication is the key.
Flight Years ( 15 & up) : Teen years are wildly unpredictable. You still have the moodiness of the pre-teen years and the battle for independence intensifies.You do have the simple pleasure of watching your teenager make mature decisions and grow into adulthood. Don't feel too frustrated or desperate when your son or daughter defies your authority. Reducing dependence on parents is natural and necessary in this life stage. However, you can play a significant role in shaping the decisions your teen makes.
You should be authoritative without being authoritarian. You should be engaged in your child's education. Now is the time to reinforce character and build discipline so your teen can survive and thrive in the face of life's many lessons.
Daughter's Birthday.
Come daughter started to order things for her birthday party at school & home, first all friends list to be called, thier gifts, snacks plus Cake with candles on it for sure, missed chocolates and ballons.
A much awaited affair for all of us at home to make her feel special, as she is among all of us.
Morning started with the normal routine and offered prayers & candles in our church, school party, rest of day went in preparations for evening occassion.
The gifts she recevied was lots of books, crayons, show piece and craft set.
In all, she enjoyed the day with joy, fun & glitter, went to ask everybody to give gifts & collecting them.
May all of your prayers be with her.....always.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Green - The wonderful colour of coffee.Here goes the story line...…the coffee beans are grown. Carefully sorted, graded, roasted, blended and packaged immediately. After which, they are imported to a Barista Espresso Bar and freshly brewed for us.
Well, happen to spend a hour in Barista, Pune with a friend to discuss business excellence, value addition, improve & understand strategy,fight recession. The best part was ...CAPPUCCINO..that made the difference of our discussion, smooth and tasty provinding some end results.
Some Facts - Stephen Morrissey of Ireland is the current World Barista Champion.
Revelations 3:8
He'll catch you when you fall, or He'll teach you how to fly!
'The power of one sentence!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Children's Day - 14th November.

In India, Children's Day is celebrated on November 14.
Children's day was first celebrated worldwide in October, 1953, under the sponsorship of International Union for Child Welfare, Geneva.
My son celebrated the day with a movie in E-Square organised by school,lot of popcorn & games.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
212 Degrees
At 211 degrees...water is hot.
At 212 boils.
And with boiling water, comes steam.
And steam can power a locomotive.
And, it's that one extra degree that...
Makes all the difference.
So many times, in business and in life, it's that one extra degree of effort that separates the good from the great.
What's the 212° idea is that you can use it to fit your own needs. It may be 212° service that you'd like to reinforce, or 212° attitude, leadership, or quality. Or maybe, you'll choose to build your entire culture around the 212° differentiate you from your competition.
The real beauty of 212° is the simplicity of the idea. Once explained...everybody gets it. And once you get's hard to forget!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Black Beauty.

I would like to share some information regarding the 100 Year Old train as it passes near our house in Wellington (Coonoor). We saw a tamil movie shoot of Kamal Hassan and Sridevi in late 80's on the same train.
The train was made in Switzerland (100 years old), as last month they celebrated the "Centenary Festival". The extension from Coonoor to Ooty was contsructed by the Goverment of India and the lines were opened on September 15th 1908 upto Fernhill then a month later to Ootacamund as before that around 1866 it was operational from Coimbatore to Mettupalayam with a rack railway of 16 3/4 miles.
To quote from Sir Guilford L. Molesworth’s report of 1886: “The locomotive used for working on the Abt System has two distinct functions: first, that of traction by adhesion as in an ordinary loco and second, that of traction by pinions acting upon the rack bars.
The main feature of this line is the unique rack system and the equally unique and complicated locomotives. The brakes are four in number-two hand brakes action by friction and two acting by preventing the free escape of air from cylinder and thus using compressed air in retarding the progress of the engine. The former are used for shunting whilst the latter for descending steep gradients. One of the hand brakes acts on the tyres of the wheels in the ordinary manner and the second acts on grooved surfaces of the pinion axle but can be used in those places where the rack is laid. Even after hundred years, the brake system on Nilgiri locomotives is as intricate and cumbersome as it was in 1886.
The line is a metre gauge, practically level for the first four and a half miles, to Kallar at the immediate foot of the hills. As soon as the train leaves Kallar, the rack rails appears and the long climb begins. In the next 12 miles to Coonoor, the line rises 4,363 feet curving almost continuously as it clings to the mountainside, crossing lofty viaducts or tunnels, the longest being 317 feet in length. The gradient posts read one in twelve and a half with monotonous consistency.Construction expenses were heavy because in addition to the tunnels, a big bridge over the river bhawani at the foothills was necessary. Besides this large bridge, 26 other bridges smaller in size, were constructed and heavy expenditure incurred in rock-cutting and blasting.
And more to your knowledge, the ticket cost from Wellington to Ootacamund is Rs.8/-, time 45 minutes train journey as bus takes 30 minutes. Views are awesome, just check out.
Its my hometown so major visiting areas are : Doddabetha (highest peak at 2,623 m), Rose Garden, Sims Park, Wax Museum, Thread Garden ,Boat house,Kotagiri, Needle Factory Ketti, Lamesrock, Tea Estate, Botanical Garden,Black Thunder (water park) best season & time to visit is summer as they hold fruit, flower, vegetable, rose shows.
Summer: 25°C - 10°C, Winter - 21°C - 5°C, Rainfall - 1900 mm, Altitude - varies between 2,280 to 2,290 m. Nearest Airport - Coimbatore.
Any more me.
Friday, November 7, 2008
White House Facts
What WH has for all the President's taking charge starting since John Adams, located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington DC, was built between 1792 & 1800 of white painted aquia sandstone in late Georgain style and has become the official residence for President. The place was earlier known as "Presidential Palace".By 1811, the first evidence of public calling it as "White House".
There are 132 rooms , 35 bathrooms & 6 levels in the residence.
There are 412 doors ,147 windows, 28 fireplaces, 8 staircases and 3 elevators.
There are 5 full-time chefs, the WH kitchen is able to serve dinner to as many 140 guest & hors d'oeuvers to more than 1000 people.
The WH requires 570 gallons of paint to cover its outer surface.
For recreation, WH has variety of facilities including a tennis court, swimming pool, jogging track,movie theatre,library and bowling lane.
Marvellous place to stay........
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Bhai Visit
So, my wife made her special cuisine's, bhai and bhabiji was very happy and content with the food articles as we spend late night discussing about the past, how all we have spend times when we all met ,at native places. Just going into history & re-visited flashback.
Why discussing all this with you all..... is to inform regarding my journey to station to pick up bhai & his family, when saw an headon collusion accident ,featuring the traffic rules been maintained in Pune city is pathetic, and for it we each one & every individual has to put in efforts to perform the best so that others follows. But who cares.....
It was regarding a small hit accident maybe for me as an Sumo was waiting on the road before me allowing a car to take a u turn, when some bikers almost at a speed of 30, came and without knowing the purpose of all big vehicles waiting, hit the turning car at a speed, were in the pillion was over thrown over the bonnet fo the car & the driver hit on the car driver side badly smashing his head on the body of car, both bike and car were badly damaged, then it was a big scene, but everyone on the road helped both guys to stand on, took both vehicles to a side, allowing us to persume the drive, but i was wondering with that kind of hit on the body, the pain would be terrible and if the person could have maintained some traffic sense and rules abide, this couldnt have happen at all in the first place.
So, maintain the road lines, traffic signs, be slow on bend & school areas, allow the footpath to be used by the people & help them maintain it properly. Imagaine the traffic cop who does his duty 9 to 10 hrs dedicated to make our life easy through taking the pain to stand on all seasons.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Barack Obama - U S President.
Hearty Congratulations & Wishes for a better future...
Market Recession & Sensex Drop
Say it a sheer coincidence, both have hit the space at the right time, as due to sensex, people have lost crores in the share market ,making them helpless in a span of less time, not imagined the downfall so soon. Secondly due to market recession, people have started losing jobs globally mainly in the finance sector and other areas also.
Its just a matter of time to heal up, but have to wait to analyse the suitation more clearly and fight against it.
Have courage to Live. Anyone can Die...............
Commonwealth Youth Games - Pune
You must belive me that during that entire week when the games were on, almost Pune was sparkling like a bride, roads cleaned up, street lights up, sign boards lighten up, no traffic jams( possibly less), buses with CNG, every 15 minutes bus service to Balewadi from Corporation and other places. Wonderful experience to see Pune, always like that, its just a dream.....maybe.
Why because - once the games were over, all back to normal places, even the bus service is after every half an hour now, the games mascot " Jigrr ", kept at places to identify the importance of Youth Games, was uprooted, broken and carried away the same evening when the closing ceremony was going on. Is this what we planned for, spend money just for a week and get to normal conditions, behave the same old way, just imagine what we are giving for the future generations to come.
I felt shocked to see the state affair, and i myself cannot change things nowadays for instance. Public have got all guts to beat,thrash and kill (maybe to the extend) still law in force will be silent , just a spectator watching who will take the risk.
I am ready for it, are you dear...............
U S Elections -2008.
Who will be the best for India, maybe in terms of business, relation building and other avenues. For me a difficult question to answer now, as stilll have to get the fresh flicks knowing more about them, then to deliver the reality.
Almost every opinion poll is now showing Senator Barack Obama ahead in the race to become President of the United States. Obama, is known to be protectionist who says he will stop outsourcing of jobs. He is tough on nuclear proliferation and feels America should involve itself in the Kashmir dispute.
However, in a sharp contrast, Republican Senator John McCain is in favour of free trade, outsourcing and it was after all a Republican president, George Bush, who gave India the bonanza of the Indo-US nuclear deal.
So who will bring good news to Indo-US relations – Obama or McCain?
Whoever its been selected......... To India, with love from U S.
Diwali Vacation - Walking Plaza & RR.
Diwali vacation is a enojyabale task for them to make parents shout,beat or loose thier temper. Still my kids enjoy playing among themselves without going out in the soaring heat, or watch the idot box entire day, with Perman, Ninja Hattori, Tom & Jerry, Tricky TV etc.
This vacation took both for " Roadside Romeo" a typical bollywood masala movie, leaving apart the animation parts, dialogues too cheap, still Walt Disney's cant be compared with Pixar animation products, there movies are awesome, Madagascar - Part II is on the way, check out the promos.
A walk to the "Walking Plaza" on M G Road last weekend, made them glad, but needed all stuff's which was there, so it was very difficult to part with the M G Road and reach home by 9 pm, brushing with death for a fraction of second, as a tipper lorry dashed in on the in coming track, leaving us out of the road, sideways, luckily saved by spilt of second on the " All Souls Day".
All your prayers are with us seems....
Foodie - Experience at Tareef & Makkan Maar ke.

So, let me start my experience at Makkan Maar ke, a small joint on Baner road, maximum 8 to 10 table space, but quality of food served is awesome and tasty, we had chicken dishes and mocktails, not too expensive, still worth to visit again.
Tareef - "Kya Tareef karo"... this is second joint we had dinner on a Oct. friday , packed with people all time, difficult to get a table space on most days ,only 8 to 10 tables avialable as quality to concentrate more than quantity, so weekends you can just guess the ambience. all people who visits have been a victim of good Tareef food, and to have more come along with friends & families. Sorry to off track you, rather than help with the menu, we had Bheja Kalimeri, raan ghost, chicken platter, shahi korma and shahi tukda, awesome & mouth watering dishes as still its on when writing. Sorry but can't help.
Delhi Kitchen - Good place to order food & fetch home, so that you can enjoy the dishes with pleasure, as same condition, few table spaces, but there kheema is awesome & tasty. All these places, have tasted food myself.
Horn OK - Its a vegetable joint, with young crowd as its based in F.C.Road, near to Deccan, all veggie dishes are awesome and finger licking, we had paneer, gobi and roti's with soups to start with, ended well as the service is fast, similairly like others table space is more. But busy always, either have to check in early or late. You have blow the HORN(the truck one) at the reception to order/book your seats.
Now tired and feeling sleepy, so give me some rest....take care and have food, ENJOY.
Lonavala Trip - October'08

This is for my Son, who is more interested in " Trains", this subject will make him awake for entire night also, but if exams are there, then touch bed as early as possible after dinner.So planned and started early at 7.30 am from Pune, reached Lonavala by 9 am with some breaks in between.
Lonavala hosted a small train exhibition for "Central Railways " with various old models & photos ,used at Matheran and other places. It was worth a site to check out all old models with name as "FairyQueen","Ramgotty","Decauville", "Phoenix",WDS" etc. and a Live Model Train with station, signals, my son was overwhelmed with the train experience and enjoyed each and every moment looking at all models & studying it.
Later we thought of visiting some good known places in Lonavala, since drove all way from Pune, so chilled at Rajmachi, checking for Duke's Nose, Tiger Hill and SRK house, Film shooting area, valley point. Moving on to Valvan Dam, a well maintained place by Tata's, kept neat & clean, but no snaps to be taken, cool & calm place. We relaxed for some time there before having lunch at Hotel Ramakrishna on the highway.
Started at 1.30 pm from Lonavala with the AC on, touched Pune, my place at 2.10 pm, nice long drive, kids were asleep all the way back as they had a BIG sight seeing expereince in the soaring heat walking & runinng.
Check out.....
Kerela Visit - August'08
Let me open up the pandora box and explain things in detail - as mentioned my " Second Innings" - was the one to be getting finalised, so was back all alone this time, enjoying the train journey in the upper berth, sleeping most of the time, munching fooides.
I stayed for one and half month to get the "Second Innings" done with all formalities. Missed my family and all in Pune.
I wanted the "Second Innings" to be done on my "Wedding Anniversary" date itself, but missed it by a month, mis-calculation. Read on.....
Kerela Visit - May'08
This visit of our's was to have a look on our " Second Innings " , guess what it could be or watch out for the next episode, same time, same place....