Just thought of throwing some light to CWG as said - happening event for India.
It seems to be very interesting to read daily newspaper & hear TV channels regarding Kalamdi's state of affairs in getting things done for CWG specially at a very fast mode in 60 days time period - how can a common man digest of all facts being published or leaked out - for eg. A treadmill costing Rs.9,75,000/- rent for 45 days and when asked Kalmadi, advised its the same used in Beijing Olympics - what are we comparing.As its market rate is Rs.4,00,000/-. Secondly, Kalamdi hired cab services in UK for Queen Baton's rally with AM cars, paid already a whopping Rs.2,00,000 pounds, and the same company has filed a bankruptcy in July 2010. This is just the opening of a Pandora Box - imagine things to come from CWG more...............
India, seems to be a country of big, bigger & biggest scams - you just name anything in life - we have scam masters. Just today was watching news of Solid Waste Management in Mumbai , wherein the Municipal Corporation of Mumbai has made Rs.2,600 Cr scam in accordance with United Phosphorus in sheer waste material for a contract agreement for next 25 years,Mumbai company for giving the waste in metric tonnes as raw materials to company. This should be given in free-but making money from waste. Mumbai waste materials gets dumped in 132 hectares of land in Deonar.
Day before yesterday , was watching news channel regarding Railway scam for Dedicated Freight Corridor in the North side - a company named DFCCIL & a member from Laloo Yadav's ministry involvement in some big crores scam, with money transactions been already done without any board meeting or proposal as for the said project but project still no where to be seen in actuals, work not started 5 %. Where has the money gone ?
Its just the details which i could collect it watching & reading stuff, knowing that we are in full control of many scam all around us. Its seems politician are enjoying life with huge salary, amenities & over extra income, after all its all our money they are playing with. Cut down all amenities & just give basic needs to live. Let them also suffer and know life standards of a common man.
Whats say !!
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