It was a break through from work for all MITLians to Kondgaon Camp for a night out with team building activities planned for a day.
We started from Pune on 26th Nov-11 at 7am as supposed to which elongated to 8am start - in the one hour we played cricket near to office , later we started along Pune-Mumbai Expressway till Khalapur exit - taking Palli road to Pedle then a short road drive towards Kondgaon Camp through ups & downs of road.
First Day - Welcome drink, team activity - getting Praveen's car from the terrain drop as missed road ans sided downwards on a small bridge hanging with one tyre without a base, we all worked out and took 45 odd minutes for a success. Later reading out safety rules, introduction of all team members and awesome lunch, with little rest - had a raft building team event plus raft drive to Kondgaon dam team wise for an hour.Later evening we had team games,tasty barbeque stuffs handled by rama,booze counter handled by john & mouth watering dinner till 12.
Second Day - Morning started at 6am - trek preparations to Thanala caves with a local guide through forest and wild taking almost 3 hrs to reach caves and return 2 hrs to nearby village.We had breakfast in caves plus frooti and water to avoid dehydration. As the pain is still there all over body. Imagine a path steep, downwards, waterfall crossing,plain terrain ,boulders & rocks - little space to walk and a small slip or miss is feet below hit on the ground - breaking like Humpty Dumpty!
We concluded the second day after trekking with feedback & lunch -legs were not moving at all, any how returned back to pavilion by 6 pm as sleeping all way like half dead.
It was a terrible first time experience of going to a trek with actual big time trekkers.
Cheers to MITL Team !!
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